
The Spring Issue of Today's Family Is Out!

You can find the latest issue of Today's Family magazine — inside the March issue of Today's Woman ! That's two magazin...

Monday, January 9, 2012

Let’s Grade Your School

What do we expect from our schools? I think we all want the same thing: for our children to be taught well and treated fairly (and a bonus would be encouragement or inspiration). Many people don’t agree on how this looks in a practical, day-to-day way.

How about Jefferson Co. Public Schools? There are changes being made in the largest local school district of Jefferson County in terms of student assignment plans. Are you happy with the latest plan?  They talk about a reorganization:, but is it going to make you happy?

At the same time there is a group of Kentucky parents and leaders looking at starting Charter Schools. Check out their website: Also, a Charter School in Southern Indiana seems to be doing well

Are you paying for private school because you decided it was worth it? Tell us why.

Tell us about your school complaints or praises – we need to be talking more about the things that need to change in our area.
Contributed by Anita Oldham, Editor, Today’s Family and Today’s Woman magazines.

1 comment:

  1. We chose to put our 5 year old in a catholic grade school. We didn't want to chance it at a public school after experiencing 9 years of chaos with our 14 year old. Next year, we may be living in a card board box but our 14 yr old will be attending a catholic high school. She was diagnosed in 2nd grade with ADHD. after years of meds, which brought on other issues such as ticks, mood swings and frequent headaches, not much has changed and once she hit middle school nobody wanted to have anything to do with her. She doesn't "qualify" for extra services because ADHD alone doesn't substantiate the need to any interventions or accomodations according to JCPS. She was never given a full spectrum of testing other than ADHD and nobody ever came to me to tell me that was an option. I thought they did everything they should have done. Wrong. I found out there was more just recently. I have requested the full pshycho-educational testing months ago from JCPS in order for her to be placed in a learning differences program at the high school she will be attending next year (if, that is, she makes it out of 8th grade). Nobody has even begun that process yet. They just keep making up excuses and trying to talk me out of it. So, public school here has not worked for us. And though our youngest probably does not have the same issues we did not want to take the chance. There are many successful students in JCPS schools and many great teachers; however, it is my opinion that the students who make it in JCPS schools can make it anywhere but the kids who really need help ... just don't get what they need. JCPS doesn't seem to put forth an appearance of their whole hearts being into truley educating our children ... one simple example out of so many is the amount of money they have put into fighting the public on this student assignment plan, money they are spending on conultant after consultant only to throw their recommendations down the toilet - precious money that could be spent directly on our students and our schools. I could go on for days but I will stop here.


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