
The Spring Issue of Today's Family Is Out!

You can find the latest issue of Today's Family magazine — inside the March issue of Today's Woman ! That's two magazin...

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Top 5 Ways to Build Your Child's Self-Esteem

All children can benefit from an extra boost of self-esteem.  Here are 5 easy ways to do just that from confidence coach, Abigail Mueller. 

1. Listen. Ask questions, and invite their mind to feel free to express and expand in both you and your families presence. The esteem is fertilized when it has space to actually grow.

2. Be intentional about your pre-selected words & phrases. On Sundays, or whenever you make your grocery list, list an intentional positive non-physical phrase about each of your children for each day of the week. Speak this to them before they go to school and again when... close the day with them. If you want your child to have self-worth and high esteem, they must be reminded that they are enough, they have enough, and they do enough, just by being who they are. Here's a great example of what you could say: 
"Cleo, you are constantly expressing yourself with such passion and curiosity. I think your thoughts and ideas are so smart and interesting, and I'm so thankful that you want to know more and be as educated as you do. You help me want to keep learning as your mom, and I so appreciate that!”
3. Hug. Open the door to support, physical nourishment, and space for their little spirits to live.

4. Lead by example. Speak and act with service and kindness as your motive; they can feel this more than they can hear your instruction.

5. Less is more; be available. Be with your child for at least one minute a day, holding hands, hugging, or looking into their eyes with out speaking.

You do not graduate from these five steps; these actions become part of your day-to-day lifestyle and can move your family from being hurried doers to peaceful beings.

Contributed by Abigail Mueller, CEO, Confidence Coach, Abigail Academy.
Photo Source: National Institutes of Health


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