
The Spring Issue of Today's Family Is Out!

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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Take a Trip to Denver

Family vacations are all about families spending time together and having fun. Here's a family-tested vacation to Denver, Colorado, that you can book today. Plus, read more about this trip in our magazine.

Destination: Denver, Colorado (1107 miles)

Where: Colorado in the Summertime
How You Got There: Flew into Denver and rented a car
How Long Did It Take: A few hours
How Many Days: Six days, five nights
Number of Adults and Number & Age of Kids: Two adults, two kids ages 9 and 13
Location Stayed: Keystone Resort Lodge

Tip: We were surprised how intriguing and fun the Manitou Cliff Dwellings at the base of Pike’s Peak were. It is an example of homes that the Anasazi Indians carved into limestone cliffs. We enjoyed climbing around them

Before you go: We scheduled and bought tickets for white water rafting and zip lining months ahead of the trip, and then fit everything else around that.

A Moment:  Mary Beth enjoyed a day of spa treatments and solitude on a day that the kids and I ventured into a day-long trip white water rafting. It was a perfect solution for all of us. Prior to the trip, I worried for naught that the kids would want to bail out after the first severe rapid. They loved it. At the end of the day, Mary Beth was rejuvenated and the kids told great stories of whirlpools, water fights, and leaping from a steep ledge into the Arkansas River.

Would you go back?: We usually don’t return to places that we’ve visited only because there is so little time and so much to see. It’s a very big world.

Bob Uberti lives in Prospect with his wife Mary Beth and their kids Morgan (16) and Brian (12).


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