
The Spring Issue of Today's Family Is Out!

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Teacher Feature: Megan Cheek

Megan Cheek
Centerfield Elementary

Megan Cheek has patience and optimism that is often hard to find. Megan is a special education teacher for grades third through fifth at Centerfield Elementary School.

“I’ve been at this school since I started teaching,” says Megan, who has been at Centerfield Elementary for eight years. Megan teaches students with more advanced disabilities — autism and cognitive disabilities. “Even though they face challenges and difficulties, they work really hard. It’s fun trying to figure out the best ways for them to learn and what motivates them.”

While Megan’s job gives her joy in helping children who need extra attention and patience, there are difficulties. “I’d say the most challenging part is scheduling. Teaching three grades, working with therapists and whatnot, getting everyone where they need to be. My class is so individualized.”

On the flip side, Megan finds the challenge to be fun. “It’s fun figuring my students out. They each work on different goals based on their individualized levels. My students seem to work harder than anyone else in the school. Even though they face challenges and difficulties, they work really hard. It’s fun trying to figure out the best ways for them to learn and what motivates them.”

Outside of teaching, Megan stays busy with her 1-year-old daughter. “I spend all my free time with her. I do like to read. I don’t always get much done but I just finished reading Gone Girl and I am about to start Jodi Picoult’s new book. I also do community work with a lot of my former students.”

— Alissa Hicks

How can you feature your teacher? 

Nominate him or her here. One teacher will be featured each month on and also in the magazine. The teachers with the most nominations will be featured.


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