
The Spring Issue of Today's Family Is Out!

You can find the latest issue of Today's Family magazine — inside the March issue of Today's Woman ! That's two magazin...

Thursday, January 8, 2015

New Year, New You!

It's 2015 and time to make realistic, reachable goals.  As a family, hold each other accountable and get healthy and stay healthy!  

1. On a poster board or large piece of paper, write New Year, New You! Write numbers 1-30 on poster board. Hang this on your refrigerator. 
2. Every morning, have each person in the  family write down one realistic goal for the day. 

Example : A. Dad writes on #1- Eat a vegetable today. B. Mom writes on #2- Add fruit to my lunch today. C. Brother writes on #3- Exercise for 30 minutes today. 

At the end of the day, evaluate yourself with your family.  If you completed your goal, place a sticker next to your resolution for the day. 

As a family, come up with a prize for whomever gets the most stickers at end of January.  Also create a  healthy chore to do if you don't complete a resolution one day. An example can be 20 jumping Jacks or a one-minute wall sit .  Try to hold each other accountable in a positive way.  Be supportive. The goal is to instill a healthy routine which will hopefully become a natural routine.  After 30 days of this, eating and exercising will have been incorporated daily.

Alison Cardoza, BS Exercise Science and Sports Medicine, ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and Group Instructor at Baptist East Milestone Wellness Center.


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