It has been a year since I started attending Jeffersontown Christian Church with my three children, and with any “milestone,” I tend to become reflective, pondering how and why I’ve gotten to this juncture.
We are haphazard attendees, with the goal being to get to a
service once a month, and I find I personally like this “unscheduled
schedule.” I take the kids when
I feel a longing to be there, when I feel I need to touch base spiritually
within a community. I go because I want
to go, not out of guilt or responsibility.
My children have become comfortable with the Worship & Wonder
activities and leaders and even enjoyed a week of Vacation Bible School in the
summer. I don’t know
how much of the biblical stories are sticking, but sending them makes me feel
like I’m doing something to foster their basic knowledge of
Christianity. When it comes to their
faith, I know from my own experience that parents cannot dictate what their
children ultimately believe, and I’m okay with that. I’m
giving them what I can comfortably and honestly give as a foundation.
Nothing outward has changed as a result of our church
attendance. I think my husband, who
doesn’t attend with us, worried that I would start praying all the
time and proselytizing, but that hasn’t been the case. In terms of our daily life and activities,
not much is different than it was in December 2012.
What has changed is inside me.
I have realized that what I thought was “my problem with religion”
isn’t so much with religion but with any person or institution
that tries to tell me what I can and cannot think or believe. I have met nice people who have simply
welcomed me without trying to convert me which has minimized a long-held
stereotype of Christians as zealots.
Attending a Christian church and becoming more comfortable with what I
believe about God even helped me feel comfortable when I was offered a teaching
position at a Christian cottage school.
-Carrie Vittioe, Today's Family parent writer
Read all about what prompted Carrie to write this in the 4-part series that published last year.
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, & Part 4.
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